Is Marketlog free? Yes. Marketlog has a free plan. This includes a single manual tracking account and allows tracking of up to 12...
Do you support Splits? Yes! When an account is automatcally tracked (connected to your brokerage) through our data provider, then splits are reported by...
Can I track multiple portfolios? Yes, you can track up to 10 portfolio in the pro plan. If you wish to track even more portfolios,...
Do I need to have a real trading account in order to use Marketlog? No. Marketlog can be used alongside your real trading account or just as a demo portfolio tracker (or both at...
Add Your Portfolio You can track your portfolio in 2 ways: Automatic Connection When choosing to connect your portfolio automatically, you will be...
Share your Portfolio Sharing your Marketlog portfolio can be done in 2 different methods: Public Portfolio A public portfolio means it is made...
Can I use a different account currency? Yes, many account currencies are supported (USD, EUR, GBP and more). When opening a manual tracking account, you can choose...
Add Transaction With a manual portfolio you have the ability to add your transactions manually. Once opening a new portfolio, simply click...