• Understanding Dividends

    What are Dividends? Dividends are payments that companies make to their shareholders, usually to reward shareholders for their investments. It also signals the company’s financial health and stability, suggesting it has consistent revenue and income. These payments are usually made quarterly, though some companies may pay monthly or annually. Dividends…

  • Dividend Investing

    Dividend investing is an approach to stock market investing that focuses on purchasing shares in companies that pay dividends regularly, providing a steady income stream over time. This strategy is popular among both novice and experienced investors who aim to build wealth through passive income, reinvestment, and long-term growth. Types…

  • Add Transaction

    With a manual portfolio you have the ability to add your transactions manually. Once opening a new portfolio, simply click ‘Add Transaction’ button at the top of page to start adding your holdings. You have multiple options for different transactions such as: buy, sell, deposit, fees and much more: Clicking…

  • Can I use a different account currency?

    Yes, many account currencies are supported (USD, EUR, GBP and more). When opening a manual tracking account, you can choose any currency from the list: When inputting your holdings, Marketlog will match currency conversion values at the time of the trade as well as use current conversion values to calculate…

  • Add Portfolio To Watchlist

    If you found a public portfolio of interest, you can easily add it to your watchlist for quick access as well as keeping your notes. When viewing a public portfolio, click the Watch button to add it to your watchlist: Once clicked, a text area will open allowing you to…

  • Share your Portfolio

    Sharing your Marketlog portfolio can be done in 2 different methods: Public Portfolio A public portfolio means it is made public to everyone visiting Marketlog. Nevertheless, you have full control over what metrics you wish to share: You have the possibility to show/hide the following metrics: If any of the…

  • Goals

    Goals are exactly what they describe – your trading goals. We’ve made it easy to setup and track your trading goals so you can easily see how you progress over time. Goals can be set in 4 different timeframes: 3 different goal types can be tracked: The above goals can…

  • Add Your Portfolio

    You can track your portfolio in 2 ways: Automatic Connection When choosing to connect your portfolio automatically, you will be given a selection of all the supported institutions. After choosing an institution, you will be prompted to follow the connection instructions (connection is made by our data provider with maximal…

  • Forecast

    Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just dipping your toes into the financial waters, this feature will empower you to make informed decisions about your investments. The Forecast features consists of 3 different methods to forecast your portfolio and each method has different uses: Non-Compounding Method What it does: The…

  • Close holding order

    When you close a holding or part of it, the default method used is FIFO, meaning first-in-first-out order. So the first shares that were bought will be the first to sell. In some cases, you may wish to choose which shares to sell; Closing specific trades can be due to…